
Monday, May 31, 2021

Last Glimpses of May



In backwards order--newest to oldest..

Lawn darts on Memorial Day

Yummy food from last week...

More lawn darts with Michael

Michael and his Clover Bowl team won second in our region championship.  We celebrated with an ice cream party at the park.  I don't know if this picture is before or after he choked on a gummy worm and I almost had to do the Heimlich maneuver on him.  Fortunately, it came out before that was necessary.  It got my heart pumping, that's for sure!  

We also found out he is the 6th grade public speaking champion for the Eastern Tennessee Region!

Hello summer!

Crosses Across Madisonville: Letterboxing on Memorial Day

On this Memorial Day, we did something different.  We letterboxed through Madisonville cemeteries.  I've been wanting to do this for a while and today seemed perfect.  A great day to spend time together while remembering those that sacrificed for our country and the Savior that sacrificed for our salvation!

We had 10 stops on our tour--there are many more on  I did the directions through Mapquest and they lined up our route automatically so that each stop was in a logical progression round trip.  About 2 hours of driving and 5 hours total with a bathroom/snack break at Ingle's!  

Guessing it was this tree or the dogs in one of the earlier cemeteries we visited that JP picked up the dog tick he found later.  Time for bug spray!  Now, everybody's skin is crawling.  

Tongs are essential for letterboxing.  Daniel thought they were extra cool.  

Leaving pennies on veteran's graves to show that we visited.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Beautiful Dreamer

Tera, my beautiful dreamer,  graduated with an Associates of Science degree and since she decided not to "walk" (several reasons, one being, we were on vacation) we are compromising and celebrating this milestone differently.  She and I had a great time on our own photo shoot. More celebration to come later this summer...

We are celebrating her hard work--full-time course load while working about 30 hours a week this past semester.  She also started a small young adult Bible study with some of her friends and is constantly getting kudos at her job!  God is using this one to make a difference in the lives of a lot of people.  I know she changed my life!  I love her more than I could ever say!!! 

Tera will be transferring to Maryville College in the fall majoring in Health and Wellness Promotion and minoring in Outdoor and Sports Tourism.  

My beautiful dreamer...