
Sunday, March 14, 2021

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming


Last week, Michael participated in two middle school workshops at our local community college.

Construction basics--he got to meet professional contractors, toured a construction site, framed a wall and worked on the wiring.  Then, after lunch they built their own construction project. 

Exploring engineering--On the engineering day, Michael got to meet professional engineers and worked on a robotics project that he got to bring home.  

Decompression time...

Our monthly 4-H meeting was on Tuesday and we learned quite a bit about gardening from a master gardener via Zoom.  

Fun Fridays--Bible study on the Lord's Prayer--"your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."  We focused on Acts 16 and how the Holy Spirit prevented Paul from going to Asia and instead sent them to a different place than their original plan.  The boys then had a play date.  Our friends decided this would be our last Fun Friday as we have known it the last couple of years.  I have to admit that I was very disappointed and saddened by this, but I will also admit that our Bible study was very fitting for the day.  

New hats to protect them from the sun!  

We are thick in the 4-H competition season.  Michael placed 1st in the county speech contest for the 6th grade level.  He will go on to the regional contest virtually.  We record his video submission this week.  Every day, Michael works on Clover Bowl and Wildlife Judging competitions.  His poster submission won at county and is progressing to the regional level as well.  AND he is preparing an interactive exhibit on "Save the Bats" for the county achievement competition.