
Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Throwback to February

We take this same picture every year in the doorway the day before Michael's birthday.  Next year, I'm guessing he'll be taller than me!  

Bat houses for Michael's 4-H Wildlife project on "Save the Bats" 

My pickle was surprised about something...

The sunny days are calling my name...

A friend gave Michael preying mantis egg sacs to put in our yard and hopefully we'll be able to see them emerge!  Very cool!

It was a beautiful day last week where we spent hours outside!  We even brought our lunch outside to eat.  Then, we realized a day or two later that one of Michael's ear got really bad sunburn--like blisters.  The cloudy days that followed helped him begin to heal and we are ordering him a "boonie" hat before spring officially arrives!  

A little late, but Valentine's Day in the Vilaire house...