
Saturday, February 13, 2021

Another this, that and another


A much needed haircut and an almost 12 year old style...


Daniel has several in person class times and I've been taking the opportunity to run errands or walk.  Wednesday was a gorgeous day, so I took my Bible and sat out in the grass on the college lawn while waiting for Daniel. 

Michael and I saw this beautiful red-tailed hawk perched as we were leaving the college.

The weather has been pretty frigid with very little warmth and sunshine and not usually both together.  We did have an unseasonably warm and sunny day this week!   I cannot wait until Spring!!!

More Bible journaling...

Michael's main project this year in 4-H is Wildlife, Forestry and Fisheries.  He is competing in the interactive table-top exhibit with the topic:  "Save the Bats".  We are going next week to buy and install bat houses.  The exhibit requires a 2-3 minute speech about your topic, putting together a science fair type project board and doing an active part that corresponds to the project itself.  Thus, the installation of bat houses.  These exhibits take a lot of work--research--topic selection--narrowing down your topic--putting that together in a display--written portion in the form of a speech.   It's a great introduction for a research paper.   

When he first started this project, we weren't really sure how it was all going to come together.  But hard work and perseverance paid off in the end.  I am always glad for these teaching moments that show how pushing through to the end is an important skill for life!