
Friday, January 1, 2021

Reflections on 2020 and 2021 Goals

Accomplishments of 2020:

Total books read:  166 with 37 read alouds with Michael.

Miles clocked on my Fitbit:  1850.46

We have remained healthy so far throughout the pandemic.

More time to connect with family especially my two adult college students.

Weekly date nights with JP.

Remembering to bring a mask with us most of the time.

Joined a new in-person Bible study.

Met quite a few new people and had regular times together outdoors getting to know other people better.

High Points of the year: 

JP got a promotion at work and a new schedule AND got four backyard chickens.

Tera made the Dean's List twice, got certified as a group fitness instructor and started a young adult Bible study.

Daniel won first place at the regional chess tournament,  graduated, got his first job and won a full tuition music scholarship to attend Maryville College.

Michael spent a lot of time outdoors, placed 5th in 4-H Wildlife Judging, his Clover Bowl team made it to the semi-finals, won 1st place and 2nd place in the two Lego contests at the library,  and went monarch butterfly tagging.  

Lowest Points of the year:

Losing a dear friend to Covid in September.

Election and pandemic stress due to the oversaturation of social media and news.

Postponing Daniel's senior trip.

Missing Fred's 90th birthday due to Covid concerns.

My "word" for 2021 is "Healthy"--mind, body and soul.

2021 Goals:

Participate in the Tennessee 4-H 2021 miles in 2021 virtual race--I'm already signed up.  YAY!!!  (Almost 6.5 miles clocked today)

Complete the 52 Hike Challenge.  (I'm on hike #6 already) 

Log hours for the 1000 Hours Outside Challenge (I'm pretty sure I won't reach that goal, but I've enjoyed being outside so much during the pandemic--I want to encourage myself in that habit!) 

Reading challenge--Michael wants to up our read aloud total to 40 books.  I'm still looking for a personal reading challenge, but will log my "books read" anyway until I decide. 

Continue Bible studies--one-on-one and group studies, be consistent in my daily devotion times, start daily scripture writing again.  

Healthy habits--try to lower cholesterol, resting heart rate and weight.  Hoping my exercise challenges will help with these goals! 

I just really want to work on being healthy this year and doing things that help me be a better person for myself and those I love!