
Sunday, December 6, 2020

Since Thanksgiving

Angel tree shopping

Cold walks...

We bought the boys and Tera a small Christmas tree to decorate and put in their upstairs areas.  The boys' tree hasn't made it upstairs yet.  I'm quite enjoying it by the desk.  


Making decorations...

Last dentist appointment with our beloved pediatric dentist, Dr. Drew!

More cold walks outside...

Ugly "sweater" designing and creating and modeling...

I had a lot on my list today that I needed to get done--Bible study, 4-H planning, making meals and cleaning up after everyone, etc.  I finally made it out for a late walk.  The sun was going down and looked gorgeous in the sky, the nativity was lit and a bald eagle (YES, a real life bald eagle!!!!) flew over my head as I was finishing my walk.  It was a great way to end the daylight portion of this day and week.