
Sunday, November 8, 2020


Well, so much for posting every day.  So many things going through my brain right now.  I've felt stuck lately, but I feel the fog lifting a bit at a time.  I went out to a walking trail today and I was totally alone.  I texted JP and told him I would check in every 20 mins. or so.  I kept my phone in my pocket with the purpose of making this a prayer walk.  I walked and prayed out loud to God--just speaking out the things on my heart--praise, confession, thanks, intercession.  It felt so freeing to be outside praying--warm temperatures, cool breeze, beautiful fall colors, butterflies flying around and the blue sky above.  God hears our prayers and He answers them.  His timing is perfect.

One of my devotions this week talked about waiting for answers to our prayers from God.  The exercise was to list out the things we were waiting for ourselves and for others:

  • adjusting to changes in schedules
  • decisions to be made about several situations
  • health concerns
  • the end of Covid
  • election outcome
  • relationship restoration
  • new relationships
We need to pray over the situations we are "waiting" for answers about until God gives us peace to move on.  

I received several answers to prayers in this last few weeks:  JP got a promotion at work--a 2nd shift position--un upheaval to our schedule, but a true answer to prayer.  My eye pressures were deemed normal for my above average corneal thickness.  We were able to pay off the mortgage on the house recently! (Praise the Lord!)  Continued health and provision.  

I am still waiting on answers to some situations that are heavy burdens, but God's timing is always perfect.  He uses prayer to bring our desires and His will into perfect alignment.