
Sunday, October 25, 2020

Fun Fridays: Feudalism and the Black Death


Since Michael is studying the Middle Ages this year, I try to incorporate some hands-on learning in our Fun Friday history lessons about the different aspects of the medieval period. 

After studying KINDNESS as our fruit of the Spirit, we dove into history.

Black Death Simulation  from Homeschool Den

We read about feudalism in England and then did this great visual representation of the different classes and the tax system using mini M & M's, mini cupcake liners and mini-figures.  Even though everything was "mini"--the king's taxes were definitely not.  He and his minions definitely came out on top.  

Due to Covid, we were really on top of washing our hands like crazy  during our lessons and actually threw away the M & M's we handled for the project.  Luckily, for the boys there were leftovers to eat!   

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Medieval History and stuff with Michael

Michael's coat of arms...

Feudalism according to Legos...




The church

And at the top of the hierarchy--The King of Pansylvania 

The Millennium Falcon

Baby Yoda and Yoda


Beautiful days...

Hiking with the some of my favorite people.

Oh, the beautiful things you see when you just get out and look around...

Cool morning cooking breakfast over an open fire before Tera and Daniel's Bible study

Early voting with my baby...

My boy climbing a tree...

Michael and I were walking while Daniel was voting and saw TWO preying mantis!

First time voter! 

The Vilaires are 4 for 4 when it comes to early voting.

World Swim Day is today, October 24th and Tera made this awesome display for her workplace!