
Sunday, September 13, 2020

Catching up...

I have had a crazy couple of weeks--just really busy--lots of brain work, emails, planning sessions.  It's my first year leading our 4-H group as the volunteer the middle of Covid!  Everything takes more work logistically whether you are online or in-person.  I am doing virtual meetings for now and hope in the future we will be able to do some in-person events.  

I am so over Covid--some dear friends are in the hospital with pneumonia due to Covid.  We were going to try to go on a day trip, but that may not be happening.  Ugh!!!  Just when you think you've adapted to the situation.  

On a brighter note...

Michael has been taking swim lessons at the gym for the past 8 weeks to improve his stroke.  His teacher is really awesome!!!  We call her Tera!   He's met a couple of new friends in various activities the last couple of months, so that has been wonderful!

Volunteering at the 4-H poultry show

Shepherd's pie...

Last weekend, we spent a lot of time getting rid of quite a bit of stuff and making virtually nothing at our yard sale.  BUT it's all gone and we donated the leftovers to a couple of worthy causes. 

Michael has decided this is what we need...

Michael has been working on his own board game for a while.  He realized he could order a blank board game set from amazon to make his game look more professional.  When it arrived this week, he started to work on the components.  

A pencil catapult--an extension activity from our Fun Fridays--Catapults

Well, that's the update from our neck of the woods....