
Sunday, September 20, 2020

Unit Week--Middle Ages and Birds/Fish

 Michael had a great (but busy) unit week.  In addition to reading and documentaries, he worked on quite a lot of projects not pictured here:  a Powerpoint presentation on cartilaginous fish, a report on reasons why fish are designed for water and a Minecraft castle.  It was a good week!  

Beaks and feathers

Clay model of a sting ray



Castle building

More volunteering

Origami Yoda--created by Michael

Histogram of "What's your favorite pizza?"  

Working hard...

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Catching up...

I have had a crazy couple of weeks--just really busy--lots of brain work, emails, planning sessions.  It's my first year leading our 4-H group as the volunteer the middle of Covid!  Everything takes more work logistically whether you are online or in-person.  I am doing virtual meetings for now and hope in the future we will be able to do some in-person events.  

I am so over Covid--some dear friends are in the hospital with pneumonia due to Covid.  We were going to try to go on a day trip, but that may not be happening.  Ugh!!!  Just when you think you've adapted to the situation.  

On a brighter note...

Michael has been taking swim lessons at the gym for the past 8 weeks to improve his stroke.  His teacher is really awesome!!!  We call her Tera!   He's met a couple of new friends in various activities the last couple of months, so that has been wonderful!

Volunteering at the 4-H poultry show

Shepherd's pie...

Last weekend, we spent a lot of time getting rid of quite a bit of stuff and making virtually nothing at our yard sale.  BUT it's all gone and we donated the leftovers to a couple of worthy causes. 

Michael has decided this is what we need...

Michael has been working on his own board game for a while.  He realized he could order a blank board game set from amazon to make his game look more professional.  When it arrived this week, he started to work on the components.  

A pencil catapult--an extension activity from our Fun Fridays--Catapults

Well, that's the update from our neck of the woods....

Fun Fridays: Balloon Rocket Car...JOY

Statues of Joy-- We are working our way through The Fruits of the Spirit this year in Fun Fridays.  This week we were talking about JOY!  How joy is a deep down attitude that comes from knowing Jesus.  It's like happiness, but happiness changes depending upon our circumstances.  

The boys practices "sculpting" each other into statues of joy through verbal commands--no touching allowed! 

Akemi planned our lesson today--a balloon rocket car.  


Celebrating Daniel's 18th Birthday


Reese's Peanut Butter Ice Cream Cake

Fun stuff...

Harpy Bipthday, Daniel!!!

Chicken and Waffles for dinner--we had so many leftovers!  

More presents...