
Saturday, August 29, 2020

Happy 18th Birthday, Daniel


You'll always be our little boy, even though today you are an official adult!  

You have had so many adulting moments  and milestones already this year.  You've got this growing up thing!  

  We are glad you are in our world--our close-knit circle.  We love you AND we like you!  You are gifted in so many ways.  God has given you a unique way to think about things.  We pray that God uses your life to bring glory to Him.  

Don't ever stop being uniquely you!    

We love you!  

Happy Birthday Daniel!

Friday, August 28, 2020

Fun Fridays: Catapults

In Bible study this year we are studying the fruits of the Spirit.  Our lesson today was on showing love to others and God.  

Michael has been studying the Middle Ages in history this year.  For our history day in Fun Fridays, I decided to talk about medieval weaponry--particularly catapults.  

We read the section on weaponry in "Great Medieval Projects" and then made our own popsicle stick catapults.

Michael loves Science Max that just so happened to make a video all about catapults.  

Trebuchet and experimenting 


Fun Fridays: Yeast and Cooking

Last week for Fun Fridays, we had a fun time with yeast and cooking.  Akemi hosted and prepared the entire co-op day.  We did Bible study and yeast experiment.  Akemi taught the boys how to make homemade pizza from scratch and brownie mix cookies.  She even prepped an extra recipe ahead of time so the boys could skip the rising and cooling parts.  Her preparation was seamless!  The boys really enjoyed the day and so did I.  Akemi is such a blessing to me!  

Yeast experiment

Brownie cookies

Homemade Pizza

Bible study fun...

Yummy pizza