
Sunday, July 26, 2020


It's been quite a journey to Daniel's graduation ceremony.  Our original graduation date was May 16th, but due to Covid-19 restrictions the graduation committee rescheduled to July 24th hoping that we would be past the worst.  Fast forward two months and we have more active cases in our neck of the woods than we had when we were shut down.  Then, there were problems with the venue due to that reality.  Our graduation committee worked so hard to make sure our kids got a ceremony as safely as possible.  Masks were required, social distancing encouraged, each graduate could have 5 attendees, and senior displays were spaced out in the parking lot.   It wasn't what we all have planned, but it was special and different.  We got pictures AND closure!  In our eyes, it turned out as perfect as we can get in this corona world we are dealing with right now. 

We took some pictures at home just in case it rained...BUT hallelujah, it didn't.  There was even a cool breeze.  

Friends since 3rd grade...

With our extra ticket we invited Daniel's flute teacher (since 5th grade), Mrs. Veal.  We were so happy and thrilled that she was able to attend.  Daniel would not be the musician he is today without her instruction. She has pushed him, guided him, chastised him and been the best flute instructor for Daniel!   She has been a blessing to our family through the years and has become family to us.  


Senior display

Friend pictures...together since 2011!

As we were leaving the parking lot, this beautiful rainbow appeared.  What a fitting reminder of God's goodness in the midst of uncertain times.  JP leans over and says, "You had to wait for graduation, but God gave you a rainbow!"  So much truth in that.  Sometimes God has us wait for things, but the rewards are always magnificent!  

The afterparty!

French bread pizzas and ice cream with cookies!

Our professional photos of graduation--group photo and Daniel receiving his diploma will be posted after we receive those.  Graduate #2!