
Sunday, July 26, 2020


Back in January and February, Michael started feeling really overwhelmed and stressed.  He was doing a lot of things--competing and preparing for competitions.  One of our conversations revolved around how he wanted to do NOTHING this summer--no camps, no VBS, nothing big--just hang out. 

Fast forward a month or two and coronavirus struck.  For over 6 weeks straight, he didn't go anywhere except for hiking or outdoor places.  At first he didn't know what to do with himself.  He had a rough patch where he just wasn't himself for a bit. Then, a switch clicked.  He started going outside a lot more, wanting to go on hikes, playing. 

He still participated in his postponed competitions.  We submitted a video for his 4-H demonstration--"How to Make a  Bee Hotel", Clover Bowl was conducted via Zoom and Quizbowl app, and the Wildlife Judging competition was held through Zoom and Google docs.  

We've been out of school for over 3 months.  The longest summer break we've ever had.  Michael's played with Legos, been to karate (social distance style) and just chilled out all this time.  No vacations, no camps, no VBS, no parties.  

And you know what, he's adapted.  He's been okay.  We were talking about school starting and he said, "You know, I haven't been bored this summer at all."  How much of what we are afraid will happen is not really that bad if we just try to adapt to the hand that has been dealt to us in that season.  

We are starting school tomorrow with just Michael.  His "first" first day of school as an only homeschool student.  Tera and Daniel have almost another month before they start college.  Things are going to be different this year.  Cases are still going up in our area--mask wearing, social distancing are still a thing (despite varying opinions on that).  So, it looks like big events, touristy field trips and the such are not going to play a big part in our school plan.  But that's okay--we adapt.  

Daniel graduated Friday night and I really felt strongly that I could not focus or start on the next school year until we finished LAST school year.  I decided long before now that this first year with just Michael would be a different kind of year.  A year to try new things.  A year to change things up a bit!  A year we will look back on as a year we made the best of a crummy situation and had a wonderful time!  A year that he says one day, "Hey, that was one of the best school years I've ever had!"