
Monday, April 6, 2020

For Posterity's Sake

What's happening?

Toilet paper flew off the shelf in unprecedented amounts.  We haven't been able to find some items for weeks--hand sanitizer, wipes, and certain grocery items!
EVERY activity we were apart of was canceled--karate, 4-H, band concerts, photo shoots, rehearsals, SCHOOL--yes, school; any social engagements are discouraged.  Our co-op and field trips were canceled.  (Michael  and Daniel still have homeschool.)

We are required to stay at home except for essential business--which includes grocery shopping and exercising to name a few.  The requirements are a bit up to the discretion of the person reading them.  It seems a lot of people are following the stay at home order, but the traffic going by my house everyday would indicate that a LOT are not.  

Tennessee has almost 4000 cases of corona virus and we just had the first death in our county.  

People are wearing masks in public and looking scared.  The headlines focus on the death toll and the lack of ventilators and ICU beds. 

Stores are starting to limit how many people are allowed inside at one time.  

How are we responding?

Well, we've been staying at home except for essentials long before they required it a few days ago.  The last time we were out for what is considered non-essential was March 16th.  JP and I still get take-out once a week from a local restaurant for our date night and we all get take-out pizza on Friday nights. 

We've been limiting our trips into town or stores as much as possible.  I've been on the same tank of gas for almost 3 weeks.  

JP has been working limited hours.  

Tera was reassigned (voluntarily) to be a greeter at the outpatient visitor's check-in desk at the hospital a couple of days a week--screening people entering the hospital through that entrance.  

All of Tera and Daniel's college classes were moved online after an extended spring break.  

Michael's karate classes have moved to an online format.

Bible studies through email and connecting with relatives/friends through phone calls and Facebook

Perks of being at home?

Spending tons of time outside--daily walks, playing outside, metal detecting, gardening
Having more time to spend in God's Word and prayer.
Less stressful in some ways.
My main job as a chauffeur has been furloughed.
A more quiet life.
Seeing my college kid a whole lot more.
Talking more, playing games, watching movies, spending more time together in general.
More time for working on hobbies and interests that often get pushed aside due to our schedules. 


Daniel's graduation ceremony

Senior trip--basically, we've "rescheduled" this for some undetermined date into the future.

All of Michael's 4-H competitions--Clover Bowl, County Achievement Night, Pancake Breakfast

Our honor society service project has been postponed indefinitely.

Fall semester for college--online or not?

When will things get back to normal?

Our feelings and how we are doing?

We have negative feelings on a daily basis--disappointment,  frustration, concern, some anxiety, irritation.  Just so we don't look at this time through rose-colored glasses. 

It's hard sometimes, having everyone together most of the time especially with three introverts in the house and a little extrovert who is not really getting a lot of extra people energy--well, really not at all, since he's been home since March 14th.  BUT we are blessed to have a nice sized house so that everyone has their own corner to go to when they have had enough of people.  We have a yard so that we can sit outside on the porch and soak up the glorious sunshine.  

We are doing our part to stay at home and taking sensible precautions--the same thing we do every year during flu season.  Wash your hands; don't touch your face; avoid being close to people showing signs of illness in public.  Tera wears a mask while she is at the hospital and isn't doing any direct patient care.

We are all healthy and thankful for that!  

The remarkable thing is in the midst of all the chaos going on around us--we are at peace. We are not scared. Our anxiety levels are remarkably low. It's strange and the closest way to describe it is we have "the peace that passes all understanding." We are in God's hand! He is in control! He knows the number of our days and we can rest in the knowledge that He will NEVER leave us, nor forsake us. 

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6 

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 

"And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?" Matthew 6:27 

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7