
Saturday, April 4, 2020

Another week...

We are making the best of a pretty lousy situation for those that share this globe.  We are healthy, safe and trying to not watch the news too much. 

We have definitely changed school up a little bit, but we usually do that in the springtime anyway.   

Talking to Granny...

Lots of city construction going on...

It was a bit cooler earlier this week, but the glorious sunshine has been making its appearance every day!  So thankful!

We went to get school breakfast/lunches a couple of times this week.  It helps the school keep up their numbers of students served and breaks up the monotony for someone who hasn't really been anywhere for almost 3 weeks!

We are getting outside in the yard a lot!  Metal detecting, fencing pictures, reading, frisbee and mowing.  

Hands-on equations...a cool math program I found when Tera and Daniel were younger that is just as the name suggests--a hands-on introduction to algebra.

Butterfly Bingo with friends...

Just another week...another week in "safer at home" mode.