
Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Cheese crackers have become our new salty snack.

Michael has been coming up to me at random times and asking for hugs. 

Introvert and extrovert siblings can sometimes have a hard time finding a happy medium of recharging.

Daily walks have been a sanity saver for me.

I have mixed feelings about everything that has been going on.  I'm valuing the time of being at home without the hustle and bustle of outside activities.  I didn't realize how much I would miss our weekly routine when every day becomes the same. 

Playing outside has become the new activity.  

10 days of school left!

I've been upset lately by fear mongering and not just from the news.  People trying to make others afraid of the future that God has under control.  It's not right! 

I did our grocery shopping yesterday at two different stores.  I was starting to feel like I needed to get back out there (JP and Tera had been doing our shopping around work.)  and be around random people.  I wore my homemade bandana mask and kept my social distance from others.  The stores felt eerily quiet.  I tried to make sure the workers that I normally see knew I was smiling at them from behind my mask.  

Michael has the stay-at-home blues or the end-of-school blues or both.

I have never enjoyed a spring more than I have this one.  I spend a couple of hours outdoors every day--sitting and reading, walking.  

Daily allergy meds have made being outside enjoyable.  

It has rained for months here in Tennessee--staying at home would have been so much less enjoyable if we couldn't go outside.  Sunshine rocks!

It's nice to see the end of curriculum--all finished and complete.  Some we put aside until next year, but we have finished math, and almost finished on science and history.   

Daniel is almost finished with his senior year.  We've almost made it!!!!

Graduation has been postponed until the end of July. 

Tera is working hard to finish up her second semester of college.  Papers, projects, tests, reading. 

The boys REALLY need haircuts!

Michael finally got the real version of Minecraft--he's been playing the free version that came with our computer.  

I don't think we will see "normal" for a while even after they are scheduled to "re-open our state" in about 9 days.  

We need to order Daniel's graduation announcements.  

Daniel has a lot of changes coming this summer--getting a job, driving, transitioning into college.  

Thankful that the state parks are re-opening.

My life is a lot slower paced now.  I still have the same to-do list everyday that I had before.  I'm just not having to get it all done around the outside activities and chauffeuring duties.  I have mixed feelings about it. 

Still amazed that Daniel got a full-tuition scholarship in music renewable for all 4 years of college.

Tera is so ready to be back to her normal working schedule.  Although she is an introvert, she is truly a people person and missing her co-workers and clients.

JP is back to work.  Not as much as before all this happened.  He would regularly work 10-12 hour days.  We have enjoyed having him home more and all the work he has done to make our yard look awesome!

JP and I have been very faithful to take a date night every week over the past year.  Since all the restaurants have closed to dine-in customers, we've been ordering take-out from our favorite local Mexican restaurant.  We set up a little folding table upstairs and have a quiet date night to ourselves.  We've also been watching a couple of Alfred Hitchcock movies from a box set I received a few years ago.

Exercise improves your mood, your outlook on life, your self-image and your health.

I'm so tired of other people telling the world at-large how they should be feeling right now.  "You're too optimistic!"  "You are not pessimistic enough!"  That's not the exact wording, but that's the gist of their meaning.  But if I told them to "Just be quiet already!", would I be falling into the same trap?

The last three dinners I've made have gotten two thumbs up from Michael. (Everyone else has loved them too!)  The second night, he exclaims, "Mom, you are really outdoing yourself!"  Ham and spinach quiche, chicken enchilada casserole and Zuppa Toscano soup (his all-time favorite!).

I found my mom's recipe for macaroni and cheese today--I know what I'm making this week--just because!

For the past couple of days, JP has come home right when I was putting dinner on the table.  He had no clue when we were eating, but just happened to arrive at just the right time.  (I never know when dinner will be done--it's done when it's done!)

Dessert sounds really good right now.

Tera truly makes the BEST bread of anyone I've ever known!

Is it only Tuesday?  I think it is!