
Saturday, April 18, 2020


33 days--that's how long I have been home (except for limited essential trips).  I've had a half a tank of gas in the van for almost a month now.  The boys have been home longer than that.  

Positives things I'm thinking today:

We have 12 days of school left!

So glad I know how to cook and bake.

Two Bible studies--I am doing two different online (through email) Good Morning Girls Bible studies with two of my friends.  This has been one of the best things that has happened during this quarantine.

Thankful for my mom mailing us a care package with multiple treats and boxes of Girl Scout cookies.

Sunshine!  After months of rain, so thankful for sunshine most days.  

Walking every day around the neighborhood is sanity saving.

Our yard looks better than it ever has--JP's been working limited hours and with the beautiful weather, we've all had time to do a lot of things outside.

It's nice to have a new refrigerator that doesn't sound like a helicopter landing in your kitchen.

So-so things I'm thinking today:

Boxes of Girl Scout cookies don't last very long around here.

How did pioneer woman have time to make everything from scratch?

JP found out that his pay will be cut this next pay period.  So thankful for his job and realize how blessed we are that he has a job in this weird time in our country.   (Also, thankful that we are not overextended and living well within our means at this point in our lives.)

Wouldn't it be nice to have the metabolism of a teenage boy?

Negative things I'm thinking today:

Not happy that I kinda freaked out yesterday when our new fridge was delivered--I watched delivery people I didn't know in my home touching what felt like every surface on their path through the living room, dining room and kitchen.  I mopped and wiped down everything they touched (or might have touched) with bleach/water.  

So, I decided that I needed to start doing our essential trips to the stores again.  I need to get out (with my homemade face mask) and deal with the world that I have no control over.  I can control my own actions without getting freaked out over what other people are doing.  

I've been feeling a bit out of sorts since yesterday.  Tired...irritable.

Making do and being creative is fun for a while, but it is nice just to buy whatever you want (grocery wise)  whenever you want it.  

I'm so tired of the news, Facebook and everybody's opinions.  But yet I still check the news and Facebook on a pretty regular basis.

Pictures from this week:

Daniel sporting his homemade face mask:

Things from my walks:

Dinner:  We had mostly leftovers this week in preparation of getting our new refrigerator.  One of my favorite dinners is simple food--beans/rice and salad.

It's been kinda chilly here in the mornings this week...