
Friday, March 27, 2020

Passing the time...

First mowing lesson...

Due to Covid-19, Tera's workplace has been closed--she works for our local hospital's wellness center.  They asked for volunteers to help work as greeters/screeners for the hospital's outpatient entrance.  Tera is a helper!  So, she's been working 10 hour shifts for 3 days this week doing her part helping keep people safe.  So proud of her!  

Yesterday, we celebrated Tera's spiritual birthday.  She accepted Jesus as her Savior 15 years ago.  I made three ingredient peanut butter cookies drizzled with chocolate, because well, we are in the middle of "essential" trips out only.  But Tera loved her treat especially after such a long day at work.  

Our karate dojo is doing Facebook Live classes every day so the kids can still train!  How awesome is that?

Gardening and just playing outside....


 Baking--Tera baked these yummy milk rolls.

We did this watercolor art project together last week some time...don't ask me what day, because we are past knowing such things now!

Walks around the neighborhood...




and pet snails.

That is how we are passing the time....

Michael's Artwork

Michael has been taking weekly art lessons from a dear family friend that is getting ready to move.  We had to cancel the last few lessons due to the coronavirus and it's ugliness.  BUT Michael has been doing artwork at home and texting our friend with his creations.


A special gift from our friend who is an excellent carver of wood!  Michael will always remember and love his art teacher and friend, Mr. Steve!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Rock to Bach

Back at the beginning on the month before the world shut down, Daniel played in what we now are pretty sure was his last performance of his senior year with his flute choir, Silver Winds at the Rock to Bach festival.  

Daniel has played with Silver Winds since 8th grade!  He was one of the featured soloist for this concert.  He BLEW me away with his performance.  Soon after this, he received a letter offering him a full tuition scholarship to one of his top two schools!  We are so amazed and thankful!!!!  

Sunday, March 22, 2020

An anniversary a long, long time ago...

Before Covid-19 invaded our corner of the world, JP and I celebrated our 26th anniversary with a day trip--a train trip.  The corona virus has taken up so much of my thinking lately that I am just now posting about our wonderful day together.  It was so relaxing and a beautiful time to reconnect with each other in the midst of our (then) busy schedules.  

Where you can stand  in two states at the same time!  

 Cuban food for our layover/lunch time

We stopped on the way home at the host site of the white water rafting event when the Olympics were held in Atlanta.

We even found our flower on the side of the mountain--forsythia.