
Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Fun Fridays: The BEST Chocolate Cake and Friends EVER

Valentine's Day found us making the "BEST Chocolate Cake EVER" for our cooking lesson for Fun Fridays.  Akemi has so much patience with the cooking lessons.  She really shines as a cooking instructor!  I am so thankful that she is my partner in Fun Fridays!  

Cooling cakes...

Now, decorating our layers...

So yummy looking!

So, we walked in to find birthday decorations adorning the dining room.  Michael asked Sam when his birthday was and he quickly figured out that the decorations were for him!  We were both humbled and awe-struck with the kindness showed to him.  He felt so loved!  

"Harpy Bipthday!"

The cake was delicious, as well as the feast Akemi prepared for a birthday lunch!  Thank you, Lord for the blessing of such beautiful friends!