
Friday, January 31, 2020

Fun Fridays: Matisse

I had Fun Fridays all planned out a couple of weeks ago and yesterday I realized my plan for our art project wasn't going to work in the time frame and with the kit I had purchased. So, I was scrambling last night to put together a project for today.

Today, we learned about Henri Matisse!

Henri Matisse biography
Make a Matisse project
Art by Matisse (preview art works ahead of time)
Matisse collage

Final products:

Silly Fish by Michael

Ice Cream Jungle by Sam

Another Fun Friday in the books! 

Lego Karate Dojo

Michael made a Lego model of his karate dojo complete with all the little nuances that make our dojo special!

The door that "doesn't work", Lemon and her mat, Mr. Nick's beanie and his special chair, the waiting room with Ms. Erin behind the desk, Mr. Cole working out, a mirror, punching bags and Bob. I love his attention to detail!

Photo and video credit:  Mr. Nick

Monday, January 20, 2020

Fun Fridays: Essay Writing

This semester, we are focusing on some heavier topics--science fair projects and essay writing.  The boys are working on an opinion essay. We went through the procedures of writing and they will be working on their essays at home for the next two months.  

We are also starting a new Bible study book on making really good choices.



in the cold....

 and in the rain! 

Thursday, January 16, 2020


On Monday, we drove over to Pigeon Forge for a fun adventure before starting back to school next week.

They survived...

Our admission came with one free game of laser tag per person, so Tera and I gave our games to Daniel and Michael.

Everyone loved the bubbles--mesmerizing...