
Saturday, September 28, 2019


3 weeks ago, we found out JP's car wasn't worth repairing and we went down to being a one car family again.  The day after that, the starter on my van went out and we were a zero car family.  Fortunately, we have an awesome mechanic that loaned us a car until he could fix the van the next day--Monday.  It wasn't a great car, but it was a car (see pic below) and got people where they needed to go.  At the end of that day, I was so thankful to have my van back that I might have stroked the dashboard when we were reunited.  

For the past 3 weeks, I've been making work drop-offs at ugly, dark hours of the morning--4:30 and 5:30 AM wake-up times.  Some days I was making around 5 trips into town, dropping off and picking up.  Pick-up times on some nights aren't until almost 10 PM.  To say that the last 3 weeks have been rough would be an understatement.  

My stress levels have been pretty high.  I pretty much went into sleep deprived survival mode.  I have a hard time controlling my facial expressions when I am so tired and snarled at someone in a parking lot.  They snarled back...not my best moment!  I was sick last weekend from stress I guess and my IC is still rearing its ugly head.  

BUT on Monday a glorious thing happened.  Tera found and bought a car!  Hallelujah!  

Now, she takes herself and JP to work in the mornings and takes herself to school.  Daniel sometimes is along for the ride literally, since their school schedules end at the same time.  She is so happy and so am I!