
Sunday, June 30, 2019

Student Leader

Michael decided he would like to be a student leader in his karate dojo.  As a part of his membership in the Black Belt Club (not his rank, just the name of the club), he has the opportunity to learn how to be a student teacher to some of the younger students.  Last week, he did his first teaching.  He was very nervous, but very pleased with how it went.  I was happy and proud that he was willing to try something new and outside his comfort zone! 

4-H Day Camps

Electric--Soda can lamp

Bicycle and Lawnmower safety

Plant science

Monday, June 24, 2019

June Happenings


Tera has happened upon a new hobby--hand painting secondhand furniture. 

Summer reading program--Michael has been spending a lot of time reading this summer. 

Life preserver cookies for Tera's summer Bible study

Scott Humston at the library


Daniel has been spending his summer working through a half credit of health (among other pursuits) and boy, is he tired.

Saturday, June 22, 2019


established June 14th, 2019 

Monday, June 17, 2019

World's Greatest Dad

Metal Detector Man by Daniel 

The confetti parade

Time to himself, lots of yummy food, a couple of naps and time spent with those who love him the most---a great Father's Day.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Alabama Trip

We headed home this past weekend to visit family. Some we are blood related to and some we aren't, but there is really no difference.

On the way, we were stuck in traffic for almost 2 hours. We decided to come back Saturday night and drive into the evening.  Fortunately, the traffic was a whole lot better, even though we got home close to midnight. 

We rarely have laid back relaxed trips like this one.  This trip we were able to have lengthy visits with my brother, my grandmother, my mom and Fred and our dear pastor families.  My brother and I stayed up later than everyone else just talking.  We haven't done that in ages!  Everyone fed us like royalty.   It was one big glorious blessing.  We were only missing my sister-in-law and the cousins that were away at youth camp. 

Heading to the park to workout after a long day in the car and visiting.

Granny and Papa Fred with the kids

Two of a kind...