On Monday, we traveled almost two hours away for Michael to present his 4-H horticulture demonstration, "DIY Portable Flower Press". He has worked so hard this year on this presentation. It will sound like I'm biased when I say this, but Michael has a gift for public speaking. He was one of the best speakers in our room of competitors. Everyone who sees him present will say he is a natural. He never looks nervous, although he says he is--before he goes up there.
He wasn't feeling 100 % the day of the competition, but besides a mild croaky throat during one step, he did great!

1st place in the sub-regional 4-H Horticulture Demonstration for 4th grade!
So proud of all his hard work. We were relieved, but also disappointed that the sub-regional competition is where it ends for 4-H demonstrations, but he has his mind turning about the speech competition in December. So, we'll see where that takes us!