
Friday, May 3, 2019

Back to Reality--2 weeks of school left!

Coming back from vacation with only 3 weeks of school left is hard!  I felt like we spent the week just trudging through--tired and disoriented. We spent quite a bit of time getting  caught up on laundry, doing quite a bit of extra things because we've been away and just trying to regain some normalcy.  Whew, I'm surprised we really accomplished anything.

But we did!  Tera and Daniel are finishing up science labs this week and Daniel is finishing writing.  Tera started working on her graduation table and cap decoration.  Then, they both started feeling that old feeling---spring allergies.

Michael had a number of special activities this week, so we spent the majority of school reading and practicing for the sub-regional competition in the 4-H demonstration.   He also worked on some special projects in art and creating a new board game--Traffic Cop!

Physics egg drop...


Donuts--just because school is almost done!

Working hard...

Michael created a new game--Traffic Cop

Grace Notes concert

Yummy dinners...

I seriously cannot believe we only have 2 weeks of school left and Tera will be GRADUATING!  Oh my...