
Friday, April 5, 2019

Fun Fridays: Fieldtrip to Great Smoky Mountains Heritage Center

Transportation Gallery

Michael decided he would have wanted to be a part of the "Bird Clan" because they were ones that used the blowgun for hunting. 

Michael said they didn't smile in church back then, so we tried really hard...

But smiling is way more fun...

My favorite picture of the day....

What I really liked about this museum?  

The price would have been a bit steep ($8 per adult; $6 per child) for just the museum part, but the out buildings were a great addition.  Each building was open and well furnished with very informative displays describing the contents.  You were loaned a map with each building clearly marked.  

The Junior Docent program is a must if you take younger kids here.  It stretched out what would have been a really small museum.  Reading the displays was a must to answer the questions.  As an educator, I felt it was really put together well.  The boys took their time and learned more than they would have otherwise.  The small prize consisted of a certificate and sticker. (Yes, they did check each of the 15 questions for accuracy.)   We decided that a piece of candy or small gift shop item would have been a nice addition to the "small prize".   Michael felt it was a bit "anti-climatic". 

McDonald's for lunch.