
Tuesday, April 16, 2019

4-H County Achievement Night

This evening Michael and I attended the county 4-H achievement night where Michael had to give his demonstration on how to make a portable flower press.  He was really nervous today and really struggled to slow down the speech portion.  Since he was the only 4th grader in his project category, he automatically won first place and will move on the sub-regional competition in a few weeks.  He also received a great deal of constructive criticism from the judge and extension officer. 

As a part of tonight's contests, Michael also entered two photographs--a bluebird and a cherry blossom.  His bluebird photo won 2nd place, but we were shocked when his cherry blossom won 1st place in the most entered category of the photography contest!  

As you can see by the big smile on his face, Michael had a great time tonight!