
Sunday, March 31, 2019

Smoky Mountain Flute Invitational

What a weekend!

Daniel attended the Smoky Mountain Flute Invitational for the third year in a row.  Friday night he went with his flute instructor for rehearsals, concerts and a workshop in playing Celtic music.  We pulled into home around midnight! 

 Photo credit: Karen Hamilton

Photo credit:  Karen Hamilton

Early Saturday morning (like 5 1/2 hours of sleep--early), we got Tera checked in for the chess tournament while JP walked Daniel across campus to the music building for his second day of the flute invitational event.  

While we spent the day biting our nails over chess games, Daniel attended master classes, workshops and concerts.  He also had a chance to network with flute professors and professionals connected with various colleges and universities.  


After the awards ceremony, we found out there was a 5K race going in the downtown area. So we walked straight from the chess tournament over to pick up Daniel trying to make our way across streets crowded with what seemed like THOUSANDS of people.  After locating Daniel, JP's expert map skills got us back to the parking garage avoiding the race almost entirely.  We had to drive in the opposite direction that we intended, but he still navigated us out of town without encountering any detours whatsoever!  He is so awesome! 

We headed to our favorite Mexican restaurant for a late night dinner and finally arrived home about 14 hours after we left!  Another late night, but so thankful the kids had the opportunity to participate in their events.  I was especially thankful that the two events were within walking distance of each other---almost 16,000 steps worth of walking distance, but who's counting?