
Saturday, February 23, 2019

Another week of rain...

I seriously have NEVER seen so much rain in my life! 

But school and activities go on just the same...

It was Michael's birthday week!

All kinds of new experiences--restringing his guitar for the first time, 

holding a snake,

and becoming a junior member at our gym.

 Pancakes and sausage for his special dinner.

Lots of fun building and showing off his guitar to a friend.

Tera and Daniel were busy this week!  Tera worked 5 shifts in addition to completing their honor society service project (and school). Daniel competed in the science bowl on top of that!   Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of just Tera and Daniel (so I don't want to share), but I did get pictures of some of their projects.  

WWI trenches model


Tera and Daniel's honor society collected over 1000 books for our local Boys and Girls Club!  

Donuts for soldiers...

WWI inspired poems by Daniel:

Peace and War

Thunder rolls into the night
Browning fire goes through the pits
The sun is rising with golden light
The flame throwers illuminate your fear
The birds are singing in the trees
The air raid sirens scream Run!
Horses gallop through fields of green
Cavalry with masks send spears through men
All is not quiet on the Western front
All is not quiet on the Eastern front
All is not quiet on the Southern front
All is not quiet on the Northern front
Peace and war together die

The fear of fear
Of being found afraid
Kept men of fear in their place

Once prisoners captured
Friends were made
Very thirsty

Lone wolf flies through the sky
The best of the best wedged in a cockpit

Come and do your duty
Red rosettes, a battle cry
We shall not fight

Officers are gentleman
Officers are snobs.