
Thursday, January 10, 2019

Girls' Night Out: Target Scavenger Hunt

Last year, I failed.

We had such a busy schedule that in my downtime I ended up feeling like being a hermit.  Although I'm an extrovert, I didn't make time for meaningful connections with people outside my home.  I resolved to change that in this new year.  Carving out special time for those important to me.  We've already gotten this year off to a great start with 4 friend time events last weekend alone--a play date for me and Michael, dessert with a couple that has been really kind to our family, a girls' night out and meeting my sweet friend at the gym.  Logically, I thought I'm going to be worn out after all that--but I wasn't...I was strangely refreshed (maybe a bit stressed at certain moments, too).  I remembered who I was and what feeds my personality. 

Sunday afternoon we met up with friends for a girls' night out--a Target Scavenger Hunt.  Oh my goodness.  I haven't laughed so hard in such a long time.  It was so fun to get out with a fun "goal" in mind.  

We met up at our house and headed out to Target.  I took the Target Scavenger Hunt from "a bushel and a peck" and tweaked it for our outing. 

Moms vs. Daughters

1 point if you take a picture of the item
2 points if you take a picture of the item with one team member
5 points if the whole team takes a selfie with the item

Meet back in 45 minutes!

I gave each team $5 before we started with THIS assignment:  Purchase something that will make the other team laugh.  10 points if you succeed!  

Oh yeah, the moms rocked that challenge!!!

Dinner out at Cracker Barrel with our beautiful daughters while we tallied our points and shared our photos and selfies. 

I can't wait to have more connection adventures with this group of girls!