It was our first week back after Christmas vacation. I think it's harder to come back in the spring semester than it is to get started in the fall!
Michael celebrated his 5th spiritual "birthday". 5 years ago he asked Jesus to be his Lord and Savior! That is always something to celebrate!

We are definitely making up for lost time in read-alouds. Michael and I finished one book and we are close to finishing another audiobook. While I read or we listen together, Michael is working through drawing lessons and tutorials.

Tera and Daniel have hit the ground running, but are still finding extra time to play chess (Daniel) and bake (Tera). Tera made these yummy savory "biscuits" from "The Great British Bake-Off " cookbook.
THIS. This is what I LOVE about homeschooling. In our Victorian Britain unit, one of the project choices is to build a model of something from this time period. Tera decided she was going to build a working steam engine using pressurized air instead of steam. She consulted with a college friend and then searched out online how to make a model. I came home from Fun Fridays to find her hard at work. Her brothers could not help themselves hovering over her, asking questions, and offering suggestions.
She's not finished, but she's gotten a great start. And that's how we roll back into school after a long glorious break!