
Monday, December 3, 2018

Christmas Around the World: Hanukkah

Christmas Around the World: Hanukkah

Yes, I am very well aware that Hanukkah is not a "Jewish" Christmas, but I have always included in our Christmas units anyway.  Maybe it's from my school teaching days, but I've always loved teaching about Hanukkah!  

Today is the second day of Hanukkah and it's fun to celebrate by lighting the candles every night with our menorah.  (that I got for $3 last summer...score!)  


Donuts and McD's hash browns (the easy latke)


Lego menorah

How to Draw a Menorah

Dreidel collage

Star of David popsicle stick garland

Playing the dreidel game...

Watch:  (Most of these are more appropriate for early elementary.  4th grade was pushing it!)

Why Do We Call it Christmas?:  Hanukkah


"Daddy Christmas and Hanukkah Mama" by Selina Alko
Hanukkah from "The Christmas Encyclopedia"

Happy Hanukkah!