I wasn't sure how my family would react when I said, "Let's have
Mexican food for Thanksgiving". Everyone LOVED it! This has been one of the best
Thanksgivings I can remember. I was so relaxed! No big expectations of the day, no perfect standard that everything had to live up to. Just embracing the moments we had together.

Tera had to work until noon, so I talked to my mom on the phone while Michael, Daniel and I watched the Macy's parade online. I've wanted to share the parade with the kids because I remember doing that growing up. This has been the first time we were able to "watch" while leisurely picking up and doing the last minute prep for lunch. (We don't have cable or regular antennae television and haven't for over 18 years. Youtube for the win!)
JP and I feel asleep on the couch after tacos and fried ice cream dessert. The kids quietly did stuff while we slept. Then, Michael went out metal detecting with JP, while I finished a book! A quiet house, a warm blanket and reading.
This Thanksgiving was so different from the past, but I was reminded to embrace the grace of the moments. Perfect or not. God is still in our midst working things out for His glory and our good. Amen to that!
Soon, we'll heat up leftovers and watch "Miracle on 34th Street" and embrace more grace-filled moments.
Feliz acción de gracias!