
Thursday, November 1, 2018

30 Days of Thanks 2018: Day 1

It happens EVERY year when I kick off "30 Days of Thanks"--life goes crazy!  Kinda like when you pray for patience, I guess!  Today was one of those days that you had to look for the "silver lining" in some situations, but isn't that what counting our blessings really is about?  Finding reasons to give thanks in the stinkiest of situations, because God never changes and He is worthy of our thanksgiving and praise!  

Today, I give thanks for:

  • children that are sensitive to God's voice
  • a husband that listens to my children's heart
  • for Daniel's skill in killing the rogue wasps that somehow got into the house
  • for rescheduled plans that resulted in an unexpected date night
  • continued recovery and good news from my lab work