Whew! After celebrating all weekend and pizza/movie night on Tera's actual birthday, we are partied out! The week has been more relaxed for some members than for others. Daniel has had almost a whole week at home due to a jammed finger and all of his ensembles being on fall break. That was such a blessing this particular week--well, not the jamming finger thing, but the break from ensembles! We were able to squeeze in a short hike and a field trip!
We started our Tudor Britain unit this week.
Shakespeare quote projects:
Tudor rose collage by Daniel:
Tera constructed an animal pen using two different types of Tudor era fencing: wattle and dead hedge. Since she did not replicate the process precisely, she wrote a report complete with pictures to describe how you would construct a more historically accurate model.

4-H field trip to an animal shelter
Michael has been observing a bean growing in our kitchen window. Yesterday, we replaced it with two different beans for him to observe and sketch their changes as they grow. Also, how does multiple beans growing in the same amount of space affect the growth.
The root system...
I dropped my baby off at her first job--job orientation and picked up a grown adult later in the afternoon. She will finish orientation today and have some training this afternoon. I have to be totally honest and say I missed her immensely yesterday--and today so far. The house
was/is a lot quieter (even though she's the quiet one). I love her so much
and I am so proud of the person she is!
What a week!