
Friday, September 7, 2018

A slow week...

Even though it was only a four-day week, I had anticipated quite a hectic week.  Because of a variety of unexpected things that happened, my crazy week turned out to be quite a slow week.  Despite the slower pace of outside activities, the kids were on top of all things school!  There were lots of awesome projects completed this week especially in our new unit--Medieval Britain.  In addition to some deep cleaning, I started a new bedtime and morning routine.  (More about that in another post!) 

At the beginning of each unit, both Tera and Daniel are given a fairly long list of options to choose from when it comes to projects.  This unit has several required projects, but still lots of room for them to uniquely express the learning involved!  

Tera's stained glass art project 


Daniel chose two different projects this week.  A message to decipher using ancient runes as the code and his version of "Dear Abbey", an ancient advice column.  I'm always sure to get a nice laugh when reading Daniel's projects!

 More botany art from Michael

Flower Press 
Michael's flower press project

More postcards--we only have 11 states left!