
Thursday, August 16, 2018

Mapping Postcards

As you probably have already heard, Michael and I are studying US Geography this year (and probably next year), using the curriculum, "Cantering the Country".   I thought it would be a great idea for Michael to start a postcard collection from all the 50 states and Washington, DC.  Through my Facebook connections, we've managed to get 35 of the 50 states already!!!! 

As you can see, many of my family and friends have went above and beyond in helping us! 

We decided we would use our pretty fabric map of the USA to mark each postcard and the state represented.  

I found these cute flag pins on Amazon.  Today, Michael and I "mapped" out our postcards.  We divided all the cards by states first.  Counted each stack.  Then, Michael had to find each state on the map. 

Fast facts:

  • Most postcards--Tennessee at 7
  • Biggest postcard--a tie between--Washington DC and Maryland
  • Most unique postcard--A wooden postcard from Washington state
  • Postcards with a map of the state--New Jersey, Tennessee, Alabama, Pennsylvania, North Carolina
  • Number of postcards with some type of animal/bird/insect/wildlife---22
  • Number of total postcards collected so far--66
  • Number of states collected--35 and Washington, DC
  • Number of different people that have sent cards--26