Tera made this delicious homemade pizza!
Tera and Daniel are having a great time in British history so far!
Stonehenge projects
Roman mosaics
Pennsylvania recipe--Chocolate chip cookies and Hershey's candy bar!
A message I have needed to remember over the last couple of weeks!
Reorganizing our craft cabinet
Our new van!!!!
Viking bread! Ummm...yeah, the Vikings were a hardy people because their bread is quite robust--chokingly robust.
Michael's extra co-op homework was to read a book of his choice and do a book report project. He chose to do a "book report in a box". Basically, decorate the outside of your box including the name of the book and author. Collect 8 objects to represent things from the book and write a description of each item. Michael really enjoyed making most of his items!
Lots of postcards! Just a few of our newest arrivals! We are over halfway there!

This school year has gotten off to a great start!