
Saturday, July 21, 2018

Fun Fridays: Book Club Discussion and Rondo Form

Today was our second meeting of "Fun Fridays".   We started the day with our Bible lesson in Daniel 3, again on obedience followed by a game of "Mom says...", a version of "Simon Says" and "Follow the Leader".  All to illustrate the importance of obeying God and your parents. 

The boys have been reading a book by A.L.O.E. called "The Crown of Success".  It's a classic allegory that details the journey of four siblings as they embark into the "Town of Education".  They encountered Mr. Learning, who dines on paper and ink, the dwarf Alphabet, Mr. Arithmetic and more.  The four children also learn important lessons as they fall prey to Pride, Miss Folly and the pickpocket--Procrastination on their quest to win the crown of success.  So many wonderful moral lessons in this book.  

Both the boys enjoyed the book and were active participants in our book club discussion. 

Our music lesson was on musical form.  We discussed binary, ternary and rondo form.  Our composer spotlights were on Vivaldi and Kodaly.

We listened to Vivaldi's Spring with a listening map and again while charting the different sections with shapes to represent the rondo form.

I found this great lesson on Kodaly's "Viennese Musical Clock" that uses a hamburger to explain rondo form.  The bun changes shape, but is in essence still a bun!  In the same way, the "A" section may change a bit within the piece, but is in essence the same section. 

After listening once to the piece, we used scarves to show the different sections:

A--Wave your flag; B--Ring of fire (circular motion); C--Bug in a rug; D--Ball and Coda--Throw in the air

Finally, we made our own 4-beat 8-measured movement forms.  

As a group, we chose 8 movements from the following list to form our "A" section rehearsing it after each new movement was added:

Tap Head
Tap Shoulders
Cool Wave
Roll Fists
Knock Knees
Touch Toes
Heel Clicks
Boogie Down
Click Tongue
Windshield Wipers
Back Side 

Each movement is performed for 4 beats.

Then, each of the kids made up their own "B" section.  

We combined their "B" sections with the group "A" section to demonstrate different form types.  

I have taught this lesson many times and these boys amazed me with how fast they grasped the concept and performed on the beat! 

A wonderful snack served by our gracious hostess and some free time ended a very satisfying "Fun Friday".  

First Week of School 2018-2019 Highlights

When I designed our school year, I tried to plan British history as a very hands-on course.  My high school students have four weeks to finish the first unit on ancient British history.  Tons of reading, timelines, two "choose-your-own" projects a week, and documentaries.  So far, the kids are LOVING this course!  

Tera chose to do a comparison project for ancient defensive structures and a Celtic knot project. 

Michael studied Delaware, the first state by helping to make a peach crisp.  Did you know the peach blossom is Delaware's  state flower?

No matter how much Michael studies on his own, he always likes to "tag along" on Tera and Daniel's projects.  Michael's hand-drawn version of a brochs.  (Yes, it's spelled that way!) 

Daniel's British history projects for the week--Celtic knot and Stonehenge painting

This girl got her t-shirt in the mail for making the All-Academic Team for USA Fencing based on her GPA!

Long ago when Tera and Daniel were younger, we had weekly assignment sheets.  I revived that method for Michael for 4th grade.  It works great to keep us both on track for the day and week.  

It was a great beginning to what looks like our best school year EVER!!!!  

Friday, July 20, 2018

Pizza Box Solar Oven Fun

A couple of weeks ago at Fun Fridays, we studied space.  One of the boys' homework assignments was to pick an extension activity.  Michael chose to make a pizza box solar oven.  

The first day Michael made cheese nachos...

The second day--s'mores...

2018-2019 Homeschool Curriculum for 12th, 11th and 4th grades

Tera--12th grade

Advanced Biology with Virtual Homeschool Group --Apologia Advanced Biology
Personal Finance with Virtual Homeschool Group--Dave Ramsey's Personal Finance course
Advanced Literature and Composition--Easy Peasy 
British History--Teacher (that's me) created unit studies covering ancient history to modern times

Daniel--11th Grade

Physics with Virtual Homeschool Group --Apologia Physics
Personal Finance with Virtual Homeschool Group--Dave Ramsey's Personal Finance course
Advanced Math with Virtual Homeschool Group --Saxon Advanced Math
Literature and Composition--Easy Peasy
British History--Teacher (that's me) created unit studies covering ancient history to modern times
Performing Arts--Flute

Michael--4th Grade

Math--Saxon 5/4
Science--Ellen McHenry's Botany and nature studies
U.S. Geography--Cantering the Country
Language Arts--Easy Grammar 3/4; Spelling Power; A Reason for Handwriting; Reading selections
Fine Arts--Guitar Practice; Art lessons; Bible chapter a day
Fun Fridays co-op  

Traditions: First Day of School Treats

One of our favorite traditions--first day of school treats! 

Our public library rewarded readers this summer with really awesome Dairy Queen coupons for completing the reading program.  That made our decision on where to go for ice cream easy! 

Monday, July 16, 2018

First Day of School 2018-2019

First Day of School

What I want to be when I grow up:   



A look back....










