Tera--12th grade
Advanced Biology with Virtual Homeschool Group --Apologia Advanced Biology
Personal Finance with Virtual Homeschool Group--Dave Ramsey's Personal Finance course
Advanced Literature and Composition--Easy Peasy
British History--Teacher (that's me) created unit studies covering ancient history to modern times
Daniel--11th Grade
Physics with Virtual Homeschool Group --Apologia Physics
Personal Finance with Virtual Homeschool Group--Dave Ramsey's Personal Finance course
Advanced Math with Virtual Homeschool Group --Saxon Advanced Math
Literature and Composition--Easy Peasy
British History--Teacher (that's me) created unit studies covering ancient history to modern times
Performing Arts--Flute
Michael--4th Grade
Math--Saxon 5/4
Science--Ellen McHenry's Botany and nature studies
U.S. Geography--Cantering the Country
Language Arts--Easy Grammar 3/4; Spelling Power; A Reason for Handwriting; Reading selections
Fine Arts--Guitar Practice; Art lessons; Bible chapter a day
Fun Fridays co-op