
Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Ten Things Tuesdays: Currents

Current Excitement:  We are planning a "staycation" vacation in a couple of weeks.  Unplugging and enjoying some time together.  A couple of day trips, my birthday and a whole lotta fun before starting back to school.  

Current Read:   Just finished, several enjoyable books:  The Penderwicks at Last and two of the Enola Holmes mysteries by Nancy Springer.  I've got a big stack of library books by my bed waiting for me.  

Current Watchlist:  The Great British Baking Show and America's Got Talent

Current Bible Study:   Working through Psalms 1-50 with a small group of ladies using the Good Morning Girls method.  

Current Thing that Brings Me Joy:  Postcards!  Michael and I are collecting postcards from the 50 states to go along with our geography study next year. My friends have been recruiting their friends to send us postcards.  

Current Annoyance:  Getting old and all the unpleasant changes that go with that!

Current Need:  Motivation to exercise EVERY day and raise the intensity of my current workouts.

Current Wishlist:  A Fitbit (see Current Need above)

Current Project:  Trying to finish up course expectation sheets for each of Tera and Daniel's classes next school year and assignment sheets for Michael.  And planning for a mini co-op we'll be doing with Michael and a friend twice a month.  So, basically school stuff.  

Current Randomnesses:  The kids have been checking out Star Trek seasons (the original series) from the library.    I love my weekly dinner out with JP.  My birthday is coming up and I'll be 44!  Every time someone asks me how old I am, I automatically have to do the math.  It's been stormy the last couple of days.  I've enjoyed the cooler temps and rain!  I tried a new supplement the same day we were outside a lot helping some friends move.  The next day I had a rash that looks a bit like a heat rash, but not quite.  So, now I'm waiting to take any more of the supplement until it goes away and I can see if that is what caused it in the first place.  Getting older stinks...(see Current Annoyance)