
Wednesday, June 6, 2018

A day late for Ten Things

I'm a day late for Ten Things because life just kinda happened to us...

1.  VBS week for Michael--By far, Michael's favorite week of the summer.  It's also exhausting for him and I do notice a lot more of non-compliance and arguing during the week.  Definitely a trade-off and proof that my mandatory nap time every afternoon is a good idea.  I try to use the hours I'm sitting in the sanctuary waiting for him to work on school planning.  Monday night was really productive, but last night I just sat there trying to figure out British history.   

Michael with Lauren--then and now! 



2.  Three of us have had varying degrees of sinus stuff, but thankfully we are on the mend.  

3.  Michael entered a contest at the library called "The Next Great Hero Contest"  He entered his comic book character, Gravi-Kitty.  Drum roll...please...1st place winner in the 9-13 year old age bracket for Michael and Gravi-Kitty!  

4.  Tera created and is leading her own girl's Bible study this summer on the topic, women of the Bible.  So proud of how God is using her to encourage others.  She is also volunteering once a week at our local pregnancy center.  Tera has such a servant's heart and I'm so happy she has found a way to pour God's love out into the world. 

5.  We are in the process of shopping for a new-to-us-used van.  We had our eyes on one, but when we went to look at it a second time at the car wouldn't start.  Definitely took that as a sign to move onto a different prospect! 

6.  Hiking has slowed down quite considerably.  The humidity, heat, bees or having to get up before sunrise to get started, to avoid all those things has really been a hindrance.  Just hoping at least to get a couple of hikes in this month. 

7.  Cooking dinner last night and kids kept asking, "What are you making?"  "Something up" was my answer because I was indeed making up a casserole recipe, because I have fallen off my meal planning wagon with everything going on this week.  (It turned out great--I'll make it once more before I post the recipe.)

8.  Daniel had his flute re-padded for the first time.  We have been so blessed with a great flute I found on ebay a few years ago.   It's quite pricey but was long overdue.  We were quite pleased with the repair guy and recommend him highly! 

9.  3 more nights of VBS, karate class, gym, karate belt test, Black Belt Club, fencing, Bible study and VBS Sunday rounds out the rest of this week.  I'll be wishing for a nap every day next week. 

The saddest note of all....

10.  Our sweet puppy passed away on Monday.  He had been sick and got worse very quickly over the weekend.  We are so sad!  When you have an inside pet, your world revolves around their care--they are first thing you take care of in the morning and when you walk in the door, you can't be gone for long periods of time--it's a bit overwhelming when something like this happens.   Usually I'm pretty good with sharing things on my blog and with others, but in this situation it just feels so hard to I won't for now.  I will share sweet Mazey's love of snow....

Crazy Mazey, our sweet, precious puppy.