
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Ten Things Tuesday: My Favorite Summer Recipes

My favorite drink of the summer.  I usually don't measure anything and just throw the main ingredients in the blender, strain and chill!  

We love this 7 layer taco dip.  It usually lasts for two meals if served with rice and/or tortillas.  No heating up the kitchen with this recipe!  

3.  Mrs. Eby's Squash Casserole
I could make myself sick eating this yummy recipe.  You can easily substitute pattypans for the yellow squash!  

1 1/2 lb. yellow squash
salt and pepper
1 jar pimentos, chopped
4 oz. (1/2 pkg.) herb stuffing or 1 package of Stove Top Stuffing Mix
1 medium onion, chopped
1 cup sour cream
1 cup cream of chicken soup
6 Tbsp. butter

Cook squash, mash, season to taste. Saute onion in butter. 
Then mix all ingredients together. 
Bake 30 minutes at 350 degrees.
Full of raw veggies and lots of protein!  Serve it in tortillas or with rice, couscous or quinoa! 

Around the beginning of July, we'll head to the blueberry patch.  I make this recipe the same day as blueberry picking.  It's a tradition!  

Blueberry Cobbler:
Bob Childs of Childs Blueberries
Mix 2 c. flour, 1/2 c. sugar, 4 tsp. baking powder, 2 tsp. melted butter, 1/2 tsp. salt, 1 c. milk, 1 tsp. vanilla, together on low speed until smooth. Place into a greased 13 x 9 pan. Scatter 1 pint fresh or unthawed blueberries over the batter. Sprinkle with 3/4 c. sugar. Pour 1 1/2 c. boiling hot water covering everything but do not stir or mix. Carefully place in a preheated oven at 375 degrees for 30 mins.
Oh my...this was awesome!!!!  It turned out so beautiful with all the contrasting colors.  One great thing about this recipe is that it can be frozen in batches!  I added bacon bits to our recipe.
Everyone LOVES this recipe!  We have substituted this recipe for cole slaw every time we have had BBQ for the last few years!  
This would be great served over couscous with a fresh garden salsa (Diced tomatoes, cucumber and onions.  Mix with a bit of olive oil, lemon juice and parsley) and garlic yogurt sauce (1/2 cup plain yogurt mixed with 1 tsp. olive oil and garlic to taste).  

Make a double batch!  They go fast!

Instead of spices, I used Mixed Pickling Spice that I bought in the canning section of Walmart.
I pack my jars a lot tighter than the recipe says.  
Onions can be optional.  Although my kids, seem to love the onions.
This is the most delicious summer dessert!  You can top with chocolate syrup, whipped cream and a cherry if you like!