
Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Ten Things Tuesday--5/1

1.  Our new favorite soup--Whole 30 Zuppa Toscana Soup   Michael says he loves the kale in this soup.  A 9-year-old that loves kale?  Yep, that's a keeper recipe!

2.  Less than three weeks of school left.  Hallelujah!  
3.  Spring concert for Tera and I last night.  Great music with our awesome choir buddies.  The theme of this concert was "A House Divided", a Civil War theme with John Purifoy's "Blue and Gray". 

4.  Two more rehearsals, one more performance for Daniel and then it's officially summer vacation. 

5.  100 years ago women could not vote.  Even though this was a "minor" election, I never forget that we should always exercise our right to vote!  

6.  Michael's allergies are crazy AGAIN!  He's definitely had the raw end of the deal this spring.  
7.  We found some robin blue eggs in a nest on the side of the house.  We've been using our cameras to see what is going on in the nest.  They now have feathers and are a bit more active. 

8.  My recent blood work came back normal except for a slight elevation in my overall cholesterol, which I will attribute to eating out the night before.  

9.  The Good Morning Girls Bible study  I have been leading is coming to an end this week.  It's been a great experience and I am hoping to lead their summer session with a new group of ladies.  

10. I'm in cleaning mode this week, whether I like it or not.  Any time we have guests over for the first time, it gives me that little extra motivation I need to get the job done.