
Friday, February 2, 2018

This week...

What a long week!  Sliding into home on this Friday afternoon.  Most of our activities have started back, save one that starts next week.  So many things happening the next couple of weeks.  February is one of our busiest months.  In less than 3 weeks, we have 2 birthdays with Valentine's Day sandwiched in between.  It just feels crazy!   

Michael built a puppet stage using a tri-fold project board

The super blue blood moon was spectacular.  I just wish my pictures were...

Three weeks back into the swing of things...

Tera and Daniel are in the beginning stages of writing a research paper step-by-step--the old fashioned way.  They have added in daily ACT prep in anticipation of the April testing date.  Tera is still working on improving her score and Daniel will be taking it for the first time. 

Michael and I are in our winter groove.  Almost finished with "Bud, Not Buddy".  Long division, verbs and the Reconstruction.  We've got some fun things coming up--field trips and fun activities.  All the looking back on my blog to the older kids' elementary years is causing me to up the fun anty with Michael. 

WWI propaganda poster

Since we are studying WWI, I couldn't  pass up this gas mask for a buck on clearance!  The boys humored me....