
Monday, January 22, 2018


It's definitely Monday!  

I've had that running around but not getting everything done feeling today.  I made a dentist appointment 6 months ago for a MONDAY--a MONDAY afternoon to boot!  Finished school and prepped dinner for the kids to eat while I was gone.  Luckily, my dentist appointment didn't take long and I was able to gulp down some tacos before heading out to the library.  Tera had an honor society meeting and JP was working late.  So, we took the opportunity for the boys and I to check out books.  

Tera and Daniel are both learning how to write a research paper this semester.  Tera's topic has to do with the development of the airplane and it's effect on life in America.  Daniel is researching code talkers in WWII.  Tera is my history lover, so I wasn't worried about her finding a topic she would enjoy.  I was a bit more worried about Daniel.  When he started talking about the Enigma machine today, I knew he had found a topic perfect for him.  

Now that our semester is in full swing  (almost everything will have started back in the next two weeks), Michael and I finding ourselves waiting again.  We  make good use of our time, whether it's looking at art exhibits or taking pictures with lions.   

I've been so encouraged by the Scripture memory group I've joined.  We are on week 4 and I was pleased to be able to use my new letter board to display this week's Scripture.  With the way this week has started, I definitely need to be reminded where my help comes from!