
Thursday, January 4, 2018


Sometimes I don't listen to my inner self very well.  I don't know when to stop or when to say no.  This Christmas break, I've been listening. I have enjoyed this break more than any other I've had in a long time. 

Our Christmas break is usually the month of December, but due to my daughter taking a dual enrollment class we started break late.  The first day of school is usually January 2nd.  Not this year.  We start back the 16th.   Even though one of my children prefers to get back into the semester before activities start again, I needed some extra time this year.  

Extra time to just be.  To feel ready.  I'm not always afforded this luxury, but this year---it's been a late Christmas gift!  I've been listening.  

The Christmas decorations are gradually coming down over the weekend, but we've been basking in the glow of the lights longer than usual.  

Next week, we'll be getting back into a routine--regular eating/sleeping schedules, cleaning schedules and I'll be preparing for school to start again.   But until then....