
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

A New Year with Loads of Potential

I've never really thought of myself as an optimist, until January rolls around.  The new year full of potential waiting to be uncovered or rediscovered.  My notepad is full of scribbles detailing the new goals and resolutions I have for the vast 365 days ahead. 

Goals and resolutions are two separate entities.  Goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely.  You can easily see if you have met a goal.  Resolutions are a bit more vague.    

resolution--a firm decision to do or not do something.  

I make a decision or  resolve to grow spiritually or be healthier, but sometimes those things can be hard to measure at the end of a year.  In my scribbles you will find a bit of both--goals and resolutions.

2018 finds me with quite a few goals on my list:

1.  52 Hike Challenge--our family has decided to go on 52 hikes this year.
2.  Memorizing a verse a week.   I'm taking part in the "2018 Joy Seekers Scripture Memory Challenge." The first verse is already posted on the fridge.  

3.  Read 52 books this year.  I LOVE to read, but I forget to track my reading.  This year I have the goal of reading and tracking at least a book a week.  

4.  Post 150-200 times on my blog throughout this year with 1-2 instructional posts a month.  I miss posting more frequently on my blog, especially how-to posts. 

My resolutions for 2018:

1.  Continue with daily devotion times with a concentrated effort to add a specific prayer time into my daily routine.  

2.  Exercise most days a week.

3.  Healthier eating all around for our family.

4.  Read through and put into practice principles from The Life Giving Home and The Life Giving Table by Sally Clarkson.

5.  Make music together throughout this year.  

6.  Open myself up to new relationships and strengthening my current relationships.  

It's a brand new year with loads of potential and I'm excited!  (See,  that optimist just showed up again!)