
Thursday, December 7, 2017


After getting up early to head out to the gym, the two older ones decided they needed to stay at home to work on school work.  We are finished tomorrow until mid-January.  Hallelujah!  Quizzes and tests and projects due.  The kids have been working so hard. We are all so ready for a break!  Tera has her last class tomorrow and she has managed to have perfect attendance this semester.  I'm amazed at the maturity shown by my kids.  They are pretty cool people, if I do say so myself.  

It was so cold here today that I spent the day keeping the fire going.  The coldest day of the season.   I was not looking forward to leaving the house.  But tonight was date night and we haven't had our weekly date for two weeks in a row.  We tried a new restaurant and it was okay, but definitely doesn't merit a repeat visit.  

I didn't work out again today, but did take a nap this afternoon.  I'm ready to get back into my daily exercise routine.  I am always so disappointed in how easy it is to take a break from such a consistent habit.   

Michael and I finished "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" and watched this version:  

So glad tomorrow is Friday! Finishing up our week with  art projects and music for Michael, and sadly, not quite as much fun for Tera and Daniel.