
Sunday, December 3, 2017

1st Sunday in Advent 2017

Our annual go out to breakfast after shopping for the "angel tree" kids we pick out.  

1st Sunday of Advent--Hope

We light our first candle of Advent on the 4th Sunday before Christmas.

I love our Advent traditions.  We are on Day 6 in our Jesse Tree devotions and ornaments.  Read more about that here.

Last year, Michael and I added a new resource to our list--Jotham's Journey:  A Storybook for Advent.  There are four different books with characters and stories  that intertwine with each other leading up to the birth of Jesus.  While they are fictitious, the stories teach Biblical truths.  I found this resource late last year, so I ordered the kindle version.  This year's story we ordered in paperback form--Ishtar's Odyssey. 

Michael is already talking about which one he wants to read next year. 


Another favorite:  The Nativity Story

I love this movie!  It is so well made and brings visual representation to the Jewish culture that Jesus would have been born into. 

The Nativity Story

Michael is complaining of a sore throat that I'm hoping is just allergy, since we are kicking off a very busy week and sickness is not welcome here!  Tomorrow starts our last week before Christmas break.  Michael and I will be doing a Christmas themed school week that I will share tomorrow.  

I have signed off of Facebook for the week, just because sometimes you need a break from the barrage that is called your newsfeed.  We have a lot going on this week and I feel like I need to focus on being in the present.  

A short nap today in the afternoon sun to make it through until bedtime.  Potato soup and rolls for dinner with enough left over for dinner tomorrow night.  It's been a full day!  

For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6