The thing I love most about blogging is the looking back. It reminds me
of all the special memories we have had throughout the year.
2017--A look back in time.
Our first snow of the year and then a week later sitting around our new fire pit in short sleeves and sandals--#campfirelife

February is always a full month for us. Valentine's Day is sandwiched between two birthdays. We (mostly Tera) surprised Michael with a Star Wars themed birthday and had another mild weekend for sitting around the fire pit and hiking.
There was fencing, field trips, "Pi" Day and Tai Chi.
April was a roller coaster month. Looking back to my writing, it was a month filled with loneliness and reminders that God is our refuge and strength as He always has been. We celebrated the Passover and Easter together. Michael tested for his yellow belt in the beginner class.
Parole was denied! Spending time with family, catching up with old friends and summer break beginning. Swim lessons, concerts and new fencing gear.
More swim lessons, game days, VBS and Father's Day.

July found us painting and hunting for rocks! Blueberry picking and visiting with great friends! Michael moved on up to his orange belt and I hit #43!

Clash of Clans is a big thing around here as evident by a certain person's 15th birthday! Tera participated in her first fencing tournament. Total eclipse of the sun! I embarked on a house wide cleaning/de-cluttering project!
Tera was in the middle of a dual enrollment math class (which she aced), while Michael and I spent three days a week walking the track and doing car-schooling. JP and I started having weekly date nights--the highlight of my week! A week off from school to get some things done with fun mixed in! Daniel joined the local community band. Green tip...

A birthday, a wedding and Halloween!

November was filled with thanksgiving! Lots of concerts, field trips, friends and fun! Tera, Daniel and I performed in a Veteran's Day concert. Daniel attended the Smoky Mountain Flute Invitational.

My favorite month of the year. I've enjoyed this Christmas season more than I have in many years. We tried to scale back on what we did outside our family circle and focus more time on the simple things. But there were more concerts, parades and candlelight tours. Green belts, Advent and fun Christmas art projects. Grinchy floats and caroling to friends. ACT tests, tree lightings and final exams. Date nights and remembering why we celebrate Christmas in the first place! And that blessed week after Christmas that JP has off from work!
There were ups and downs for us this year. We had difficulties and stresses just like everyone else. Looking back and trying to put it all into perspective. No year is good or bad--it's life and we live it one day at a time.
But the one thing I love most about this year and every year is that I get to spend my life with these people!